Thursday, December 29, 2005

Are you a Lion or a Witch?

A quiz about the Narnia characters here - this one is from Beliefnet. Several multi-choice questions, and my score was 91 on a scale of 0-120. Here's what it said about me:

76 - 100
You have a strong sense of responsibility toward others and a deep respect for other people, even strangers, though you are not always sure what the best course of action is. You are Lucy, the brave child who who is wise beyond her years and kind to all she meets.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Christmas figures

I thought this one rather nice, and certainly seasonal. Not a huge number of questions, but some allow selection of several answers that appeal.

jkkh are the plant of love! You are the
mistletoe! You are a loving, romantic person
who likes to do what is best for the one or
ones you care about mostly. You are very
affectionate and enjoy being close to people.
You believe that love brings you together,
which is a wonderful thing. You are most likely
going to have a very nice and marvelous season.
Your inventive mind could come up with anything
interesting to do. Merry Christmas =)

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Which 'Pride and Prejudice' character?

Some interesting questions here, though I'm not sure the result is really me. Am I headstrong, prideful and sometimes prejudiced? I don't think so... although I suppose I'm open-minded and loyal.

You scored as Elizabeth.

I am Elizabeth. I am headstrong and intelligent. I love to be myself, and am very loyal to my family. I can sometimes be prideful and "prejudiced," but I try to remain open minded and I usually regret past mistakes.











Mrs. Bennet




Which Pride and Prejudice Girl Are You?
created with

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Asperger's Syndrome test

A slightly more serious quiz again, this one supposed to check for autistic spectrum traits - in particular for Asperger's Syndrome, or geekiness. I don't think the two are the same but they seem to be used that way these days. Since a score of 32 indicates possible Asperger's, and I scored 14, I don't think I need to worry....

Result: 15. Your score isn't an achievement, it just is.
Psychologist Simon Baron-Cohen and his colleagues at Cambridge's Autism Research Centre have created the Autism-Spectrum Quotient, or AQ, as a measure of the extent of autistic traits in adults. In the first majortrial using the test, the average score in the control group was 16.4.

Eighty percent of those diagnosed with autism or a related disorder scored 32 or higher. The test is not a means for making a diagnosis, however, and many who score above 32 and even meet the diagnostic criteria for mild autism or Asperger's report no difficulty functioning in their everyday lives. You scored less than 32. Make your own assessment of that.

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
free online datingfree online dating
You scored higher than 14% on points
Link: The Asperger's Syndrome Test written by beachbummer on Ok Cupid.

What herb?

Only a few questions here and some of them didn't really have a 'correct' answer from my perspective. But anyway, the description isn't too bad. Maybe they're all fairly innocuous for everyone, but I thought I'd post it anyway. For what it's worth.


What herb are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Fit for midlife?

A slightly less frivolous quiz than usual, and no nice graphic with the answer. Oh, and it's a site that's trying to sell you something, but I ignored the sign-up section at the end. The questions supposedly tell you whether or not you're prepared for mid-life, in three different categories, although it doesn't say what the maximum is in each one.


Your 'Symptoms' Score is 49. Your 'Diet' Score is 31. Your 'Lifestyle' Score is 44. Your Total Score is 124.

and just below it says:
  • 101 - 140 - Brilliant - you are ready for midlife whenever it comes. Keep up your good diet and exercise and just make sure you don't put on the pounds.
Are you fit for mid-life?

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Global personality

Well this was an interesting one... looks like an ongoing project, looking at personality traits and whether they're connected with location. I think the description is about right for me, based on such a short test. Cyprus isn't mentioned in the lists, but then it's such a small country it's likely that not many of the locals have taken the test. And I'm not actually a Cypriot so my answers may have skewed the stats slightly.

oh, and the HTML in the answer given didn't work so I had to copy the graphic, then increase its font size.


Test Results

Extroversion |||||| 30%
Emotional Stability |||||||||||||| 56%
Orderliness |||||||||||| 46%
Accommodation |||||||||||||||| 63%
Inquisitiveness |||||||||| 33%

Your personality type is RCUAN
Your primary type is Reserved

You are reserved, moderately calm, moderately unstructured, accommodating, and non-intellectual, and may prefer a city which matches those traits.

The largest representation of your personality type can be found in the these U.S. cities: Reno, Las Vegas, Richmond, San Diego, Sacramento, Greensboro, Dallas/Ft. Worth, Milwaukee, New Orleans, Portland/Salem, Houston, San Francisco Bay Area and these international countries/regions Belgium, Switzerland, Taiwan, Hungary, Luxembourg, Iceland, Netherlands, Guam, Sweden, Czech Republic, China, Puerto Rico, Mexico, India, Wales

What Places In The World Match Your Personality?
City Reviews at

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Which season

Short but sweet, and once again the description is not bad. Although Spring is my favourite season, I guess winter describes me as a person better.

You're a Winter. You very much enjoy your time
alone but do like other people's company
sometimes. You just need your space. You have a
few priviledged friends who saw past your
colder exterior to find the true you. You can
have pretty bad mood swings (though you hate to
admit it) so you could be soft one second then
storming around the next! But over all, you're
a very pleasant person once people take the
time to get to know you. You're a good friend
for in-depth talks. You're very talanted when
it comes to creative things.

What season are you? (pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Time periods

A slightly different slant on the Periods of History quiz at Quizfarm which I took a while back ... this one is from Quizilla. I found the link on the unusually titled Worship Naked blog. Oddly enough, the results are similar! The Quizfarm quiz told me I was equally at home in Renaissance times or the Middle Ages. This one tells me Mediaeval times. Hmm... OK if I were in the upper classes, I suppose.

Famous Ruler: King Edward III
Living Quarters: Castles
Hardship: The Black Plague
Who wouldn't want to live in the "fairy
tale-like" days of knights and castles?

Monday, September 12, 2005

Brain patterns!

This was a strange one - just a single picture to choose. I found it on Marla Swoffer's blog which has been renamed Always Thirsty.

But oddly enough, the description isn't so far off-beam.

Your Brain's Pattern

You have a dreamy mind, full of fancy and fantasy.
You have the ability to stay forever entertained with your thoughts.
People may say you're hard to read, but that's because you're so internally focused.
But when you do share what you're thinking, people are impressed with your imagination.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Flavour of ice cream

So having not seen any quizzes for ages, I saw this one today on the Life's Laundry blog. Only a few questions... and as I had no idea what most of the TV shows were I had to select the news as my favourite. But anyway...

Your Icecream Flavour is...Neopolitan!
You aren't satisfied with just one flavor. They say variety is the spice of life and this shines through in your Ice cream of choice! Just don't eat all the chocolate and leave the strawberry and vanilla behind!

Which book of the Bible?

It's been a while since I did any of these quizzes - they do seem to come and go in spurts. Anyway, this is a slightly different one... I'm not sure I'd have associated with the book of Proverbs particularly, but the description's probably not too far off.

You are Proverbs
You are Proverbs.

Which book of the Bible are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Types of animal

Um... not too sure about this one! I hope I don't look quite like this photo, delightful though it is. Nor is the description much like me, but then again, what can I expect for such a short quiz?!

You're a Chimpanzee!

With a reputation for intelligence, you seem to always be smiling wherever you go. Whether you think this silly little planet is simply laughable or you're just happy most of the time is more difficult to discern. You're a little short, but you can pick up almost anything with your feet, using them almost as well as your hands. You love postcards and dressing up.

Take the Animal Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Book quiz

Only a few questions for this quiz, and a lovely book as my result! I guess the summary isn't too far from wrong either (except that it's cats who talk in our household, not rabbits).

You're Watership Down!
by Richard Adams

Though many think of you as a bit young, even childish, you're actually incredibly deep and complex. You show people the need to rethink their assumptions, and confront them on everything from how they think to where they build their houses. You might be one of the greatest people of all time. You'd be recognized as such if you weren't always talking about talking rabbits.

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Homeschoolers, Hundred Acre Wood style

I found this on a couple of other home educators' blogs this morning: Deb's and Jax's. They were both Tigger-types. It was an interesting quiz, though sadly no accompanying graphic. Only really of relevance to those home educating, of course! Here's what my results said, and I think fairly accurate - at least in our earlier days:

You are a Pooh Homeschooler. Poohs, being
"bears of very little brain," may
feel that they aren't cut out to teach their
own kids. But if and when they get over the
fear, they are steadfast in overcoming
obstacles and raise kids with enough love to
make up for some gaps in their teaching

What kind of Hundred Acre Wood Homeschooler Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Monday, August 15, 2005

Multiple Intelligences (again)

Multiple Intelligence theory is fascinating. I did a simpler questionnaire a while back which told me I had primarily linguistic intelligence. Here's the longer, more useful quiz I referred to at the time, which gives me equal highest linguistic and intrapersonal intelligences. I'm not sure what the numbers mean, it simply tells me that the higher scores indicate likely higher levels of strengths.


Sunday, August 14, 2005

Days of the Week

So, this tells me I'm Tuesday and easy to ignore. Sounds about right, I guess!

You scored as Tuesday. You are Tuesday. Heck, at least you're not Monday. You can be a good or bad day depending on what happens. You can also be ignored easily.















Which Day of the Week are You
created with

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Christian traditions/denominations

Well this was an interesting one, certainly there are some quite thought-provoking questions.
As one who was brought up traditional Anglican (CofE in the UK), went to an Evangelical Anglican church for most of my adult life in the UK, with two years at an American Vineyard (charismatic) and now attending a non-denominational Community Church (in Cyprus) ... I'm intrigued to see that my beliefs are apparently 100% in line with both Wesleyan Methodists and Charismatic Assemblies of God. Hmm...

No nice graphic to indicate the results, but here they are pasted in:

1: Methodist/Wesleyan/Nazarene (100%)
2: Pentecostal/Charismatic/Assemblies of God (100%)
3: Congregational/United Church of Christ (91%)
4: Presbyterian/Reformed (90%)
5: Anglican/Episcopal/Church of England (83%)
6: Eastern Orthodox (81%)
7: Seventh-Day Adventist (80%)
8: Baptist (non-Calvinistic)/Plymouth Brethren/Fundamentalist (76%)
9: Anabaptist (Mennonite/Quaker etc.) (73%)
10: Baptist (Reformed/Particular/Calvinistic) (73%)
11: Lutheran (55%)
12: Roman Catholic (46%)
13: Church of Christ/Campbellite (45%)

Friday, August 12, 2005

Type of animal

Heavens. I'm getting hits from search engines for this blog already. It's getting harder to find reasonably interesting quizzes - too many of them at sites such as QuizFarm are just silly or rude. Incidentally, if anyone follows my links to these quizzes, or takes any of the others, please do rate them. That's the only way the better ones will be more visible. And if you happen to do a really stupid one, rate it low.

Anyway, for today's quiz I found this one - not particularly exciting but quite nice pictures. I wonder if our cats realise that I'm not another feline, though...

You scored as Llama.

Dude, your the coolest animal of the bunch. I personally love Llamas, consider yourself to be an awesome person with much to accomplish. You like to have space, and you also like to spit ;). " Eat the food " - Napoleon Dynomite











What animal are you? ( with cool pics )
created with

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Learning styles

This was fun. I found the link on Gill's blog. Seventy questions that (in theory) indicate preferred learning style. Results out of a maximum of 20. Here's what my results said:

Visual 6
Aural 10
Verbal 15
Physical 9
Logical 11
Social 12
Solitary 18

Sounds about right. I'm primarily a solitary learner, it's true. Verbal learning comes high on the list, visual very low. That's visual as in images and pictures: reading, by contrast, is my main way of learning but I assume that's included under verbal.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Narnia books

Some interesting questions. Not sure about the results as it doesn't explain why (at least, not my one) - it just says what the book is about. The Horse and his Boy isn't my favourite Narnia book, but Prince Caspian is my least favourite.

You scored as The Horse and His Boy. You are the horse and his boy. This is my personal favorite Narnia story. Though not as well known, the story is an important link tot he other chronicles and a good read. Interesting fact: The Horse and his Boy is the only story to take place enitrely in the lands surrounding Narnia.

The Horse and His Boy


The Last Battle


The Silver Chair


Voyage of the Dawn Treader


The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe


The Magician's Nephew


Prince Caspian


Which of C.S. Lewis's Narnia Books Are You?
created with

Board games


You scored as chess. You are very clever and dont mind taking the time to play chess. you are patient and dont mind waiting for others. you put their needs before yours



Snakes and Ladders




Trivial Pursuit






what board game are you?
created with

Blogging colour

Here's a slightly different one... my blogging 'colour'! I hadn't heard of most of the films mentioned so had to guess there, but I guess blue's as good as any.

My Blog Personality's True Color Is...
It's all about peace and serenity.
In everything that I do, I seek calmness. I do my best to stay away from stress and conflict. And, I try to reflect these things when I blog.

What's the Color of Your Blog Personality? Quiz
at About Web logs

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Lord of the Rings characters

Light-hearted, but with quite a lot of thoughtful questions. I seem to be about equally Sam or Frodo according to this, with Gollum as my lowest. Sounds OK to me!

You scored as Frodo.
You have a great source of internal strength and even when faced with the impossible, you don't give in.





















Your Lord of The Rings Alter Ego Is...?
created with

Saturday, August 06, 2005

World view

An interesting test. As with many, it doesn't distinguish Christianity from 'religion'. But given that that's fairly typical, the results are perhaps about right. Organised religion sounds terrible, after all. I'm simply an ordinary Christian, without any strong denominational ties. Church is where I meet other Christians. So I suppose 'spiritual but not religious' is about right.

But anyway, I like the sound of being a Cultural Creative. Second is postmodern, and that's probably right too. Bizarre picture though, it looks almost like a Buddha.

You scored as Cultural Creative. Cultural Creatives are probably the newest group to enter this realm. You are a modern thinker who tends to shy away from organized religion but still feels as if there is something greater than ourselves. You are very spiritual, even if you are not religious. Life has a meaning outside of the rational.

Cultural Creative
















What is Your World View? (updated)
created with

Global personality traits

This was an interesting one. Less frivolous than many, and the results about right.

Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||| 20%
Stability |||||||||||||| 60%
Orderliness |||||||||| 40%
Altruism |||||||||||||||| 63%
Interdependence |||||||||||||||| 63%
Intellectual |||||||||| 36%
Mystical |||||||||||| 50%
Artistic |||||||||||| 43%
Religious |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Hedonism || 10%
Materialism |||||||||| 36%
Narcissism |||||| 23%
Adventurousness || 10%
Work ethic |||||| 23%
Self absorbed |||||| 30%
Conflict seeking |||||| 30%
Need to dominate |||| 16%
Romantic |||||||||||||||| 63%
Avoidant |||||||||||| 43%
Anti-authority |||||||||||||| 56%
Wealth |||||||||| 36%
Dependency |||||||||||||||| 70%
Change averse |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Individuality |||||| 23%
Sexuality |||||||||||| 50%
Peter pan complex |||||||||||||||| 63%
Physical security |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Physical Fitness |||||||||||||| 57%
Histrionic |||| 16%
Paranoia |||||||||| 36%
Vanity |||||| 30%
Hypersensitivity |||||||||||| 43%
Female cliche |||| 16%

Stability results were moderately high which suggests you are relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.

Orderliness results were moderately low which suggests you are, at times, overly flexible, improvised, and fun seeking at the expense of reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment.

Extraversion results were low which suggests you are very reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and secretive.

trait snapshot:
secretive, reclusive, messy, disorganized, introverted,
unassertive, rarely worries, dislikes large parties,
oes not like to fit in, does not need to control others,
olitary, ambivalent about chaos, tough, leisurely,
does not respect authority, not aggressive, observer,
abstract, impractical, dislikes leadership, daydreamer,
bizarre, does not make friends easily, not a perfectionist,
suspicious, rarely irritated, strong physical instincts,
unsympathetic at times, risk taker, submissive, weird, sarcastic, strange

Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by

Friday, August 05, 2005

Which theologian

I couldn't find this by a search at QuizFarm, for some reason. But I knew I'd seen it somewhere. Eventually I discovered it on Helen's blog. According to the comment I wrote at the time (six weeks ago) I scored 93% Anselm, followed by 67% Martin Luther and Karl Barth.

This time, I had the same top result, even down to the same percentage. Evidently I need to research Anselm (whoever he might be) since I apparently agree so strongly with his theology. The brief outline below sounds about right, but then most Christians think that way (don't they?)

However I have a couple of extras in that joint second place. I'm a bit surprised to see John Calvin so high up, since I'm pretty sure I'm no Calvinist. And I have no clue who Friedrich Schleiermacher might be. I'd go with Barth and Wesley, though. A mixture of both.

You scored as Anselm. Anselm is the outstanding theologian of the medieval period. He sees man's primary problem as having failed to render unto God what we owe him, so God becomes man in Christ and gives God what he is due. You should read 'Cur Deus Homo?'



John Calvin


Karl Barth


Friedrich Schleiermacher


Martin Luther




Paul Tillich


Charles Finney


J�rgen Moltmann


Jonathan Edwards


Which theologian are you?
created with

Internet addiction

I tried this quiz, thinking it would rate me as a hopeless case. I was rather surprised to find I'm considered well-balanced. Hmm. I knew there were a few people more addicted than me: maybe there are more than I thought! (And how on earth did it know I have an online journal?!)

Are you Addicted to the Internet?

51% (41% - 60%)
You seem to have a healthy balance in your life when it comes to the internet and life away from the computer. You know enough to do what you want online without looking like an idiot (most of the time). You even have your own Yahoo club or online journal! But you enjoy seeing your friends and going out to enjoy life away from your computer.

The Are you Addicted to the Internet? Quiz at Quiz Me!

Orchestral Instruments

I thought this rather better than the instrument quiz (below) which only tested for stringed instruments.

On the other hand, this one said I was most like the viola. How embarrassing. (What's the range of a viola? About 30 metres if you kick it hard enough. How do you stop your violin from being stolen? Use a viola case for it. What's a chord? Three violas playing in unison. And many more.)

But anyway, here's what it said, for what it's worth!

You scored as Viola. Viola.
That's always fun.







French Horn












String Bass








If you were in an orchestra, what instrument would match your personality?
created with

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Extraverted traits?

Well I KNOW I'm not an Extravert. It's the one Myers-Briggs 'letter'I have no doubt about at all. So I didn't expect to get anything on this quiz. In fact it seems to have tested for a variety of traits, not merely Extraversion. It's true that my activity levels and excitement-seeking are extremely low, but I thought I was reasonably friendly. Ah well.

Your Extroversion Profile:

Cheerfulness: Medium
Sociability: Medium
Assertiveness: Low
Friendliness: Low
Activity Level: Very Low
Excitement Seeking: Very Low

Church models

I'm not sure I entirely understood this one, but the questions were quite interesting - albeit geared towards traditional liturgical churches and including questions about hymns which I mostly hadn't heard of. I guess the result sounds about right, although when I did this one before it gave me 'Herald' as my top model. Now it's top equal and there was a tie-break question. So I suppose I see it as mystical communion AND herald, which sounds about right. Like postmodern/emergent AND holiness/Wesleyan, on the one below about styles of worship.

You scored as Mystical Communion Model. Your model of the church is Mystical Communion, which includes both People of God and Body of Christ. The church is essentially people in union with Christ and the Father through the Holy Spirit. Both lay people and clergy are drawn together in a family of faith. This model can exalt the church beyond what is appropriate, but can be supplemented with other models.

Herald Model


Mystical Communion Model


Sacrament model


Servant Model


Institutional Model


What is your model of the church? [Dulles]
created with

Musical Instruments

I was a bit disappointed that the results from this quiz only gave stringed instruments. I think I'd rather like to be a flute, personally. But anyway...

You scored as Cello. You are the Cellist! Congratulations, you play the most beautiful and expressive of string instruments! Cellos don't always get the melody, but when they do, they put violinists and trumpeters to shame with their fantastically beautiful sound. Perfect for someone who likes the lower end, but doesn't want to just play rhythm parts all the time.









Which stringed instrument are you?
created with

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Lord of the Rings characters

There are a few of these floating around, some better than others. This didn't have many questions but gave me the same result as some of the others. Either I'm Galadriel or I'm Arwen, depending on the test. I think I prefer to be Galadriel.



If I were a character in The Lord of the Rings, I would be Galadriel, Elf, Queen of Lothlorien, wife of Celeborn and grandmother of Arwen.

In the movie, I am played by Cate Blanchett.

Who would you be?
Zovakware Lord of the Rings Test with Perseus Web Survey Software

Type of cat

I found this one on Marla's blog. Only four questions, so not really much of a quiz. But still, nice pictures!

You're picky, and beautiful.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Better Enneagram test

This is, in my opinion, by far the best online Enneagram test. It's a pity that the site is about 'New Age' things like chakras (whatever they might be!) and generally rather mystical, as it tends to put a lot of people off. Particularly Christians. But the Enneagram has been used in the church and by Christians as well as by those of other faiths (or none) for a long time now. It's simply another measure of personality, based primarily on the masks we adopt during childhood. These depend partly on inborn temperament, partly on our parents and others around us, partly on our culture, and probably on many more things besides. For me, understanding other people is vital before I can communicate; so it's important also to understand myself.

This test looks more at motivations than behaviours, which is why it tends to be more accurate than others. It also makes it clear that the given type is only an indication - that it may not be the actual one. Having said that, this is the site that always ranks me as a type Nine, which is the one I believe to be correct.

Enneagram Test Results

You are most likely a type 9.

Taking wings into account, you seem to be a 9w1.

No personality test is completely accurate. Although several measures were taken to make this test as accurate as possible, there's always a chance that you are not typed correctly by it. Therefore, when deciding which Enneagram type you are, you might also want to consider the types with the highest test scores on the lists below.

(Note that your lowest scores may be omitted.)

Type 9 - 12.7
Type 5 - 10.3
Type 2 - 6.3
Type 1 - 3.3
Type 8 - 2

Wing 9w1 - 14.4
Wing 9w8 - 13.7
Wing 5w6 - 11
Wing 5w4 - 11
Wing 1w9 - 9.7
Wing 8w9 - 8.4
Wing 2w1 - 8
Wing 2w3 - 6.7
Wing 1w2 - 6.5
Wing 8w7 - 4.9

Myers-Briggs and Enneagram combined

Well here's a strange one. The two best-known popular personality tests, Myers-Briggs and the Enneagram, all in one questionnaire. 102 questions in all, with scales of agreement rather than yes/no options, so easier than some. I don't think I've seen a combined one before.

Once again I seem to have got INFJ as my result in the Myers-Briggs scale. With silly percentages that should be ignored. However it gave me type 5 on the Enneagram. That's what online Ennea tests usually give me, but it's almost impossible to determine Ennea type from a test like this. Fives are withdrawn people who hoard either time, or knowledge, or possessions. I'm quiet and withdrawn, but although I thought I was a Five for a while, I eventually discovered (after much reading and discussion) that I"m a type Nine.

But anyway, an interesting test.

Jung Test Results

Introverted (I) 71.43% Extroverted (E) 28.57%
Intuitive (N) 51.52% Sensing (S) 48.48%
Feeling (F) 64.71% Thinking (T) 35.29%
Judging (J) 52.63% Perceiving (P) 47.37%

INFJ - "Author". Strong drive and enjoyment to help others. Complex personality. 1.5% of total population.
Take Free Jung Personality Test
personality tests by

Enneagram Test Results
Type 1 Perfectionism |||||||||||||||| 63%
Type 2 Helpfulness |||||||||||||||| 66%
Type 3 Image Awareness |||| 20%
Type 4 Sensitivity |||||| 23%
Type 5 Detachment |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Type 6 Anxiety |||||||||||||||| 70%
Type 7 Adventurousness |||| 16%
Type 8 Aggressiveness |||||| 30%
Type 9 Calmness |||||||||||||||| 66%
Your main type is 5
Your variant is social
Take Free Enneagram Personality Test
personality tests by

Jung/Myers-Briggs at HumanMetrics

For what it's worth, and for future reference, here's one of the much-used online tests which (supposedly) gives the Myers-Briggs type. I think the questions aren't bad, and it gave me INFJ which is currently the type I think is probably mine. But then again, perhaps I was biassed in my answers.

What I don't like about this one is that it allocates percentages to the letters. How silly. In the official MBTI, the percentages simply show how likely the answers are to be correct. They don't show the actual strength of preference - such a thing isn't possible anyway. Besides, as some answers are likely to be borderline, that could change from day to day, whereas our type (and temperament) are supposedly fixed at birth.

Anyway, here's what it told me:

Your Type is

Strength of the preferences %

Qualitative analysis of your type formula

You are:
  • very expressed introvert
  • moderately expressed intuitive personality
  • moderately expressed feeling personality
  • slightly expressed judging personality

Philosophy of life

This was a longish one, where some of the questions were quite tricky to answer accurately. The person creating the quiz seemed to think that if someone were a Christian (or indeed religious in any form) then they'd see their religion as controlling them - which I don't. I believe God made us thinking, feeling beings, and that our relationship with him is more important than any kind of rules.

Which means that 'divine command' (which, I take it, means having a 'religious' philosophy of life) comes second in my list, and existentialism first. Hmmmm. I suppose that goes along with my results below that, after Christianity, my beliefs are most like those of Buddhists or Pagans.

You scored as Existentialism. Your life is guided by the concept of Existentialism: You choose the meaning and purpose of your life.

'Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does.'

'It is up to you to give [life] a meaning.'

--Jean-Paul Sartre

'It is man's natural sickness to believe that he possesses the Truth.'

--Blaise Pascal

More info at Arocoun's Wikipedia User Page...



Divine Command






Justice (Fairness)




Strong Egoism






What philosophy do you follow? (v1.03)
created with

Interaction with others

I wasn't sure where this quiz was going, or what it would indicate. Nor am I entirely sure what the possible results mean. But it looks like I got the one I'd have hoped for, had I know what was coming!

You scored as Nurturing Parent. The Nurturing Parent is the ego state that is caring, encouraging and reassuring. People who score high in this state believe, protect and nurture.

Nurturing Parent




Adapted Child


Controlling Parent


Natural Child


Interaction with Others Survey
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Sunday, July 31, 2005

Multiple intelligences

Ah, one more then. Here's a much better quiz about multiple intelligences, which also tells me my strength is in linguistic/verbal skills. Interesting. When I've done this kind of thing before, I've come out highest in intra-personal, which ranks second according to this questionnaire. I also usually score rather higher at maths - which is the subject I did for my degree, albeit many years ago.

Anyway, for what it's worth:

You scored as Verbal/Linguistic. You have highly developed auditory skills, enjoy reading and writing and telling stories, and are good at getting your point across. You learn best by saying and hearing words. People like you include poets, authors, speakers, attorneys, politicians, lecturers and teachers.















The Rogers Indicator of Multiple Intelligences
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Types of procrastinator!

I was going to stop these for today, then I spotted this one. I didn't even realise there were types of procrastinator, so I couldn't resist. I'm not sure the answer is really me, although there's a definite grain of truth in it, and I'm not surprised to see that my 'not a procrastinator' score is zero!

You scored as Worrier. Your procrastination type is the worrier, who needs security and fears risk. Worriers tiptoe through life, constantly anxious about the "what-ifs." They put off decision-making and resist change, dragging out projects as long as they can.

















Not a procrastinator


What type of procrastinator are you?
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Political party

This one was rather better than the conservative-or-liberal test I did yesterday. Still rather Americentric, but I did have strong views on most of the questions. I think it's scored me about right, too.
You scored as Green.

















What Political Party Do Your Beliefs Put You In?
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