Tuesday, January 22, 2008

How fast can you type?

This was rather fun. Thanks to Leigh for the link. No need to sign up for typing lessons, unless you want to. Just type the words that appear in large letters in the box, at normal typing speed.

It's worth trying a few times too, while you get used to the system. My first attempt was 79 words per minute. Then I managed 91 words per minute twice, then 92, and finally this one:

102 words

free Touch typing

Who should you vote for (American elections)?

It's just as well I'm not American, and don't live in the USA. I would have no clue who to vote for. It seems that in America, ethics and politics are bundled together, but not in any package I can actually agree with as a whole.

Here are my very confusing recommendations after rather an interesting quiz:

Who You Should Vote For

Barack Obama: 56%
Mike Gravel: 56%
Ron Paul: 56%
Dennis Kucinich: 50%
John Edwards: 50%
John McCain: 50%
Fred Thompson: 38%
Hillary Clinton: 38%
Mike Huckabee: 38%
Mitt Romney: 25%
Rudy Giuliani: 25%

Who you agree with on the war in Iraq: John Edwards, Dennis Kucinich, Mike Gravel, and Ron Paul

Who you agree with on the economy: Rudy Giuliani, Mike Huckabee, John McCain, Ron Paul, and Fred Thompson

Who you agree with on health care: Barack Obama

Who you agree with on taxes: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and John Edwards

Who you agree with on abortion: Mike Huckabee, John McCain, and Mitt Romney

Who you agree with on gay rights: Ron Paul, Fred Thompson, and John McCain

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Are you a hippie?

Quite an interesting quiz, and I thought the results about right:

You're Not Exactly a Hippie...

While you're not a hippie, you've got the spirit of one.
Like most hippies, you have deep beliefs and unusual interests.

You may not buy into hippie fashions, music, or heavy drug use.
But at heart, you are a free spirit and suspicious of the status quo.