Thursday, April 13, 2006

How good a cook?

Sometimes 'Blogthings' have rather silly questions and even more ludicrous answers, but I thought this one wasn't bad, though a bit predictable. I should think anyone who does any cooking at all would get this kind of answer - I'm no great cook, and always like to keep things simple, but I do cook rather than using instant meals or takeaways. And yes, it did take me many years of trial and error (or trial and improvement, as it seems to be called these days) to get to the stage of being confident in the kitchen.

You Are an Excellent Cook

You're a top cook, but you weren't born that way. It's taken a lot of practice, a lot of experimenting, and a lot of learning.
It's likely that you have what it takes to be a top chef, should you have the desire...

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