Thursday, August 18, 2005

Homeschoolers, Hundred Acre Wood style

I found this on a couple of other home educators' blogs this morning: Deb's and Jax's. They were both Tigger-types. It was an interesting quiz, though sadly no accompanying graphic. Only really of relevance to those home educating, of course! Here's what my results said, and I think fairly accurate - at least in our earlier days:

You are a Pooh Homeschooler. Poohs, being
"bears of very little brain," may
feel that they aren't cut out to teach their
own kids. But if and when they get over the
fear, they are steadfast in overcoming
obstacles and raise kids with enough love to
make up for some gaps in their teaching

What kind of Hundred Acre Wood Homeschooler Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

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